It's normal to forget or even suppress the darker aspects of life. While wars rage on, it's striking that one side of the European continent enjoys peace while brutal fighting occurs on the other.
People have fled their homes and loved ones, or picked up arms to defend them.
This book delves into the daily life in Kyiv during wartime, aiming to bridge cultural understanding and highlight the surreal reality of living in a war zone. How can it be that one enjoys a croissant in the summer sun while a family member fights on the front lines? Or that someone walks their dog past billboards depicting starving soldiers in captivity? What is it like to live such a life?
The book also serves as a gesture of support, following up on earlier projects such as UKRN NRGY. After speaking with several people in Ukraine and the Netherlands, it became clear that understanding each others live and showing we care are crucial. We must not forget those who are suffering.
All proceeds from this book will be donated. 50% of the proceeds will be used to acquire Ecoflows for schools in Ukraine. The other 50% of the Donations will go to the new NGO House of Cadmus, an organisation that is focused of the integration and understanding of other cultures.
Through this project, we hope to foster understanding and solidarity between cultures.
Copyright © 2024 Voices from Kyiv - All rights reserved
All book revenues are donated
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